Buck Mk Asante

broken image

Buck is a powerful memoir of how a rebellious, precocious kid educated himself through the most unconventional teachers—outlaws and eccentrics, rappers and mystic strangers, ghetto philosophers and strippers, and, eventually, an alternative school that transformed his life with a single blank sheet of paper. It's a one-of-a-kind story about finding your purpose in life, and an inspiring tribute to the power of art.

  1. Buck Mk Asante
  2. Buck Mk Asante Chapter Summaries
  3. Buck A Memoir Summary

*Washington Post Best-seller, 2014 & 2015
*Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers Pick
*NAACP Image Award finalist, Outstanding Literary Work

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Summary

Buck Mk Asante

MK Asante, author of the memoir 'Buck,' talks to NBC Black about rendering his story in multiple forms - book, music, film - to reach as many people as possible. Story by Candace King.

The first chapter o the book Buck begins an introductory to the Arthur MK Asante‘s life growing up urban in Philadelphia Pennsylvania or 'Killadelphia' as he referenced it. Asante‘s describes his unique early teenage years growing up in Philadelphia. Asante is introduced as the Malo, the narrator of the memoir, and begins by introducing his older brother Duahoud most commonly referred to as Uzi by Asante. Immediately he mentions his idolization of his older brother and how he immolates him in a sense. How when they are together Asante feels invincible. Asante and his older brother Uzi frequently hang out together he mentions. They frequently go to party's and often get into fights with rival neighborhoods along with many other things such talking to girls , smoking marijuana, playing basketball , joy riding and marking the subways with graffiti. Uzi antics frequent land him in trouble giving him a reputation as a trouble maker amongst the family. Uzi and his closest friend Ted plane to steal a car one night and go joy riding. The narrators desired to come mostly because of his desire to be like his brother , he wanted to participate with his brother so badly he often visualized his idea how it would take place. The hanging out the window and picking up girls with his older brother to prove he was cool enough would have been a dream come true. When it came time for Ted and Uzi to ride, Uzi decided to tell Malo to stay. He returns home in a panicked state. He comes home, bust in the door telling Malo to go hide his room at that point he had been caught. As the dash and scramble continues to hide from police they eventually make way in the house and find Malo and begin roughhouse him until he confesses where Uzi is, eventually Uzi screams get off my little brother and is taken to jail.

MK Asante was born in Zimbabwe to American parents: a mother who led the new nation's dance company and a father who would soon become a revered pioneer in. Cover of Buck: A Memoir (Random House) by MK Asante Asante is the author of four books, most notably Buck (2013), a memoir about his troubled youth in Philadelphia. Buck was selected as a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers pick and made the Washington Post bestseller list in 2014 and 2015. MK Asante, author of the memoir 'Buck,' talks to NBC Black about rendering his story in multiple forms - book, music, film - to reach as many people as possible. Story by Candace King. A rebellious boy's journey through the wilds of urban America and the shrapnel of a self-destructing family.

Chapter 1 Reflection

The first chapter of the book begins very submerged into the text. Meaning the mood and tone of the story was set quick. Early on you picked up a gritty and street vibe from the text. The langue help set the tone often time using profanity and slang to help paint the picture of the upbringing of a black male growing up in a urban community. I thought it showed a different introductory style than most readers are not accustomed to. It captured the reader immediately because you actually had to pay attention to his slang to understand him, just as a conversation in real life would be. I found myself relating related to the authors though out the first chapter. Particularly when it came to the idolization of an older brother. Even beyond the idolization, the mischievous thoughts of a young black teenage male was something again that I was able to relate to once upon a time in my life. I felt like the author did great job drawing you in by picking a pivotal time not in just his life but many young African American males life's. A time in our lives were becoming men and growing into our skin a time he describes for himself.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Summary

Chapter 2 begins exactly where chapter 1 left off. Uzi is released from jail and because he is a minor he receives a much lighter punishment. Due to Uzi reputation as a frequent trouble maker along with his most recent act, Malo's father, Uzi's stepdad is sending him to live in Arizona with his uncle Jabbar. Malos father is introduced and again Malo emphasizes his admiration of his father. What Malo admires most is his father's intellect, confidence, passion and energy, he was once a preacher. Malos father is very Afrocentric; he is often times sporting dashikis and clothes related to African culture. His house, the house he is raising Malo and his older brother in is covered in African art, which leaves an impression on Malo. He also has strong beliefs on what African Americans should want from themselves, which are stability and the ability to provide. Uzis and his stepfather have a bad relationship to say the least and Uzis recent run in with the law causes even more friction in the house. Uzi and his step dad almost come to blows upon him being kicked out the house. Before Uzi is sent to live with his uncle Jabar in Arizona he and Malo have their last talk in which Uzi mentally sizes up his little brother for the last time. Malo is really sad, he feels like a part of him is being taken away from him. Upon that talk Uzi brings up his extreme dislike of his step dad, Malos father. While doing that he also brings up his admiration for his own father Bob. Malo and Uzi share the same mother and Bob being Uzi father. As Uzi details how much he misses his own father Malo has much darker perception of him because of the abuse he put his mother through. He was also a heroin addict. Although it bothers Malo to hear about him he continues to let his brother speak. Overall their last conversation ends on a hug and a final gift, a deck of cards from Uzi.

Chapter 2 Reflection

Chapter 2 was a closer look at Malos life. You started to put together the pieces that chapter one left you together with these to help further paint that picture but this time it's more of an opening to his life. You get a glimpse of his family life his immediate family and some of their backgrounds. This helps great a vivid image of what his daily life consist of and brings to light his confusion in life. I think it was a more of a settle tone but still was able to grasp the reader. I particularly enjoyed how descriptive the narrator was in describing the different members of his family and how they are each their own little character. It was entertaining to hear his perception of his family because I can recall thinking the similar if not the same thing about some of my relatives growing up. In a way it was the typical thoughts of all young black youths at that time. Again the crass comedy and profanity feed your adult sense of humor. The narrator also touched on a sensitive subject of his life for the first time in the book, that being the abuse of his mother by his older brothers father. It was interesting because in any text with a main character you always wonder how much if any compassion they have. I believe this helps determines the perception of the main character by the reader. This chapter was another introducer chapter, introducing immediate and extended family member and set the beginnings of Malos life without his older brother although it was very short lived in the text.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Summary

Malos sleeps in Uzi's room for the first night that he is gone. He is reminded of Uzi by his vast collection of posters ranging from Magazine girls and models to rap stars. He hears his brother singing a song he used to sing to him when they lived together. He also recalls trips the two would take on the subway. Seeing that Uzi is gone he takes one of those familiar trips alone. On this trip he introduces a new set of characters. He introduces Scoop, Theodore and Kiki which is his older cousin and Scoops girl friend. Scoop and Theodare relationship is perceived almost as rival friends due to their constant bickering. Kiki full name is Kianna and she attends a college call Albright. Scoop is described as a fighter, he and Malo where once playing basketball and Scoop ended up knocking a dude out for no good reason leaving Malo to stand shocked. Kiki tends to get mad at him because of his hot temper and ill ways. He has a reputation as a fighter amongst his friends. News spreads that Uzi was kicked out and moved to Arizona in a harsh manner. This prompted Ted to ask Malo why his parents did him such, in which Malo responded that he himself couldn't call it.

Chapter 3 Reflection

Chapter 3 is a very short chapter. In this chapter very little is centered on the aftermath of anything that took place in the previous chapters. In fact other than the memories of Uzi that Malo had not much is reflected at all. I think this is cool because it creates suspense in the story. You begin to wonder when or if he anything will come of the actions in the previous chapter. Again he is introduces new chanters, these characters are around his brothers age along with his cousins. Not much can be made of this chapter in my opinion it wasn't very informative and didn't highlight anything specific. I am very anxious to see what roles these new characters play in Malos life and in the grand scheme of the story seeing that their descriptions were so vague.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Summary

In the begging of Chapter 4, Malos school life and activities are introduced. He also introduces the first active character he express dislike for, a kid named Fritz. He seems to be involved in mischievous act just as his brother. He and a group of friends set an Uhal truck on fire and also smear feces' on a neighbor's door, the last antic got them caught. Malo the moves into a scene in which he is in principles office again going back to starting to exhibit the same patterns of his older brother. He receives a letter from his brother in the mail. The Letter basically is telling Malo how he living with his uncle, which he has ceased to do, Uzi is once again kicked out. He then goes on to tell his brother how he is a monad going from one women's couch to the next, doing rap shows, and his recent purchase of a gun. He mentions how his mother still sends him money although he doesn't need it but still takes it out of spite. He also mentions how he is alone and feels like an orphan. Malos parents send him to a school in which they perceive is better than the neighborhood school, and because of the friends two faced ways Malos express extreme dislike causing him to relate them to foes more so than friends. The school is predominantly white and Malos receives the end of that because he is African American. Malo realizes his reception isn't welcomed at his new school from his basketball coach who tells him the principle hates him. Malo doesn't handle the news well and begins to rebel by speaking his mind whenever presented the chance. Again he is in the office he begins a verbal argument with his principal Mr. Roach and ends up getting his parents called. Marlo mentions how his relationship with his parents has changed and how little he seeing his father now days. His principal begins to question the stability of his immediate family in which Malo tells but in very little detail. He mentions his older sister's move into a mental hospital as she wrote him a letter that displayed her ill mental state.

Buck Chapter 4 Reflection

Chapter 4 proved to be the most interesting chapter yet. I feel like in this chapter all of the chapters came together. The repercussion from this chapter, the feelings from this chapter, these emotions are brought up because of what happened in that chapter and so on. You are starting to see the main character Malo, take shape into what his character is going be throughout the book. He has a certain mystique about him with a street edge that's evident. He is starting to become a little more outspoken which raises the readers eye because it leaves you wondering how he will fair down the road. I get the vibe that is a bit of melodramatic suspense. The type of suspense that is more mental than physical, meaning you feel more of a mental awakening coming than a big event. Malos has a change in scenery so it interesting to see how well he will adapt to his new surroundings. I think that this is the time he will come to a rites of passage himself within the next few chapters.

Chapter 5

Buck Chapter 5 summary

Malo's mother was administered into a psychiatrist ward, she had attempted suicide. Malo attempted to call but wasn't able to speak to her. He stumbled on to find his mothers journal that she had wrote intensively in. As Malo began to read it he started seeing his moms depressed and dark side. He had seen her perspective on whats going on with the family. One of the first things that her journal said was that she attempted to commit suicide for the first time at 12.

Buck Chapter 5 Reflection


I was really into chapter five. I thought it was cool how it focused on the mother . More specifically it was cool reading her thoughts and her perspective on life from her journal. I'm curious to see how Malo handles not only his mothers attempt to kill herself but having access to her journal. I wonder if it's something he will continue to read throughout the memoir. Seeing that his mother was administered into a psyc ward I wonder will Uzi come back.

Chapter 6

Buck Chapter 6 Summary

Malo has found a women he has an interest in, in chapter 6. He meet a young lady on the train on his way home. Malo began to speak to her and eventually getting her phone number, he instantly caught a liking to her. Malo again began to read from his mothers journal. This time upon reading his mothers journal he read her concerns for him and her family. He read how she concerned with his interaction with young women and how he keeps everything a secret from her. She expressed concerns when he goes out at night and wonders what he does. She has a general concern for her whole house because she feels it's so secretive.

Buck Chapter 6 Reflection

As I assumed his mothers journal would be a part of the memoir. I enjoyed chapter 6, it was cool reading about his love interest it's also cool relating to the excitement of meeting a new girl you r ally like. It's pretty clear that this young lady he met will reappear through out the remainder of the book but in what fashion. I'm wondering will this be a girl who breaks his heart, just becomes friends or even marry eventually. Again he read his mothers journal in which he again found some inner thoughts his mother has for him. She expressed concern with how infrequently she sees Malo I'm intrigued how he process this information.

Chapter 7

Buck Chapter 7 summary

Chapter seven began with Malo receiving a call from jail. Once he heard the prerecording 'You have a call from an inmate…' He knew it was Uzi. Sure enough upon answering the phone call it was Uzi informing his brother that he was in fact in jail on Arizona. Uzi was unable to discuss over the phone exactly why he was being jailed but he did note that he is being tripled as an adult. Malo read from his mothers journal from the day she dropped Uzis off at the airport. As he read , he read her concerns and uncertainty with having Uzi move to Arizona. She wrote how was it really something she wanted or something she was conforming too due to the fact that her husband and son didn't see eye to eye.

Buck Chapter 7 Reflection

I liked chapter seven although it didn't say a lot , much can be inferred. I think the fact that a lot wasn't said gave this chapter a lot of mystique. Interestingly enough Malo read his mothers concerns with Uzi life in Arizona the same time he received a call from Uzi saying he was in jail. Uzi was not informed that his mother was in psyc Ward I wonder how that will affect him. Over all I enjoyed that chapter I thought it had a good amount of irony in it.

Chapter 8

Buck Chapter 8 Summary

Chapter eight begins in a bitter sweet fashion. Malo's mother returns home but upon her return the family finds out of Uzis potential sentencing. Uzi is facing a sentencing of up to 25 years in jail for rape. Uzi and on his friends he met in Arizona went inside a group home and had sex with two girls who they believed to be 16, in actuality they were 13. To make matters worse the women involved where white.

Chapter 8 Reflection

I perceived chapter eight as insight of what began the storm. The lack of reactions by each family member makes for a bit of a surprise when they process the information. His mother just was released from hospital I wonder how this will effect her mental health. His brother, Malo now has no choice but to grow up without him. I questioned if Malo will try to live up to his brother reputation in spite of society or try to make his life better because of this.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Summary

Chapter nine focuses on the aftermath of Uzi's potential sentencing. By this time the whole neighborhood knows and they too are in shock. In a weird way it's like Malo likes being around the ones who have respect for his brother. It's like due to the fact he's gone receiving the credit or respect rather of his peers. Malo reading from his mom journal , reads about the time he was running away. He recalls the events that lead up to him running away. He said the reason was domestic issues between his mom and aunt. Malo actually ran away too in this chapter.

Chapter 9 Reflection

I wasn't really into this chapter. I thought that it wasn't really a good point in which it transitioned from his mother to him and vice versa. I did however think it was interesting doe how he is starting to display the same behavior patterns as his brother. Although he hasn't done any crimes but his mischievous ways are bound to catch up to him.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Summary

In chapter 10 it gets really messy and confusing. It begins with Malo's parents arguing about providing bail for Uzi. It's rally messy because Uzi is not Malo's fathers child and the fact that they didn't have a good relationship doesn't help his case. Malo and his mother try to ask him to help but his response is one of disinterest and anger. His responses where along the lines of you reap what you sow and he did it things like that. Malo didn't seem to express any anger toward his father yet for his harsh decisions. Malo's mother again expresses her concern for her son , at this point she regrets sending him to Arizona.

Chapter 10 Reflection

I really enjoyed chapter ten. It added more drama and suspense. The type of suspense that we have all went though. The kind where your younger and you're thinking is your elder will be a bigger person like how they have preached for you to be. I see this being an issue of resentment toward his father for not helping his brother. In a way I feel sympathy for him because you have so much love for an individual but it's not really translated to your elder. I think that the family will go though a fall out from this.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Summary


Malo and his mother caught a plane to Arizona to see Uzi. They traveled to Arizona around Christmas time although the they do t celebrate it. Malos father did not accompany him which was a given amongst the family. While in Arizona they went to see Uzis court case. They also hired a lawyer which they had to take a loan out for. Uzi received 10 years for the rape of that girl. Malo read in his mothers journal how she sees the family is falling apart. She sees her husband being distant from her , she sees how Uzi went down the horrible path and Malo she sees he is breaking right before her eyes.

Chapter 11 Reflection

This chapter was a revealing one. The reader can see how every issue is coming full circle. For the last few chapters it has been a build up of issue among issue weather is be something emotional or situational with a character . I'm wondering when things will boil over and the suspense will come to light. It was a good chapter I was excited seeing how Uzis court case played out. The insight that Malo has received about his mom has done nothing to deter Malo's behavior.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Summary

Chapter 12 was very vague and short . Apparently Malo and his mother returned to Philly. Malo is in the final seconds of his basketball game , it appears he is attempting to lead his team to victory he has possession of the ball. Before the chapter concludes Malo shoots the ball leaving it at a halt. Malo reads that his mother slept in her car the previous night. He sees how his mom realizes she feels shamed by her husband because of her weight gain. He sees the emotional and physical toll it has on her.

Chapter 12 Reflection

This chapter was very had to catch onto. It didn't provide much insight for whats to come in the future. Like I said the only thing that was revealed was that Malo is in his basketball game and that his mom is emotionally broken something that was evident before. Without having much to speak about besides recreational activities and his moms apparent displeasure with her life it's hard to see how one will react next. I do t see what else that happen next so it does make it interesting to see what can actually happen.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Summary

Chapter 13 focused on the family dynamics. In highlighted the relationship between everyone left in Malos house. Although the relationships weren't spoken on , they were inferred by the interactions between them all. Malos mother was very distraught by her husbanding walking out leaving her and Malo. She was crying excessively and pulling her husband to come back but he left. The portrayal of this women, a black woman without a man in a home left alone to raise a boy is typical in today's society. They way she is depicted is a hysterical woman who can't survive or maintain without a man. In terms of survive , not in literal terms but mentally not strong enough to get by without a man in her house. Clearly a negative representation, this is a common theme with many black novels because of how woman are viewed in America under similar circumstances. This depiction is derived from the years in which all men did was work and women stayed at home thus providing the misconception that women weren't thought enough to Embrace the outside world such as the workforce and other stresses.

Chapter 13 Reflection

Looking at this chapter with a feminist mind set defiantly offered a different perspective of how I interpreted it. The chapter Itself was good, it was something that I foreshadowed given all the tension in the house. I did feel like the way his mother was depicted was in a negative and stereotypical light. The only thing that I feel was conflicting was that if that was her actions she carried out , how should it be perceived. I didn't think that's it was wrong or anything of that nature but the perception was negative. Given the fact that I was reading this chapter though different lenses per-say it did give a heightened sensitivity toward women.

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Summary

Chapter 14 is a very modern one when it comes to the viewing and negative perception of women. The chapter began by Malo and his friends attending a strip club. Inside the strip club of course it stripping going on but also the degrading of women. There are men saying disgusting things to and about them, using their body as objects and touching them any way that they want. This is the very modern perception of women, more specifically women using them as objects. This also paints a bad picture for women who do in fact strip. In the chapter they depicted these women as the scum of the earth, even in a sense prostitution them by placing bets on them. For some women stripping is actually just a job and nothing else , they made it seem like all women who strip are hoes. Furthermore when it came to reading Carlos diary , her mothers perception of her dependence of her boyfriend was very stereotypical. Good girl that can't leave the bad boy alone.

Chapter 14 Reflection

I did enjoy this chapter it was one that in a sense I could relate to. The boyish grins and excitement was all very familiar. When it comes to how I felt about it looking at it from a feminist perspective it gave me mixed feelings. I disagreed with how the women were depicted but I wasn't ignorant to the fact this does go on. The disrespect of women is mainstream especially in that profession so I was aware of it. Of course they were regarded as negativity because they were talked about and basically sold and bet on like meat. All he females in the chapter were represented negatively. Malos mother in regards with her concern for her daughter and Malos sister with her dependence of her boyfriend.

Chapter 15

Buck Mk Asante

Buck Mk Asante

Chapter Summary

Malos family has come upon hard times financially. As of recently his family has gone bankrupt his mother has no money and his father owes money to the IRS. As well as being broke , Malo witnessed his mothers car being stolen right in front his eyes. This is the similar to the social struggle that many African Americas face in urban America. Financial struggles often lead African Americas to house in urban parts of America. These areas subsequently have high crime rates, which would explain Malo getting his car stolen right before his eyes. These areas also have low employment rates and they don't offer much employment or at least substantial employment thus Malos family struggling. The struggle that Malos family is going through is a class struggle. African American family broke in a crime riddled neighborhood that is emit tally falling apart. This highlights the issue with class because African Americas who do not live u dear these circumstances are grouped together with ones who do offering a negative perception on how we live and are brought up. The oppressed African Americas are the ones that are constantly being reminded but yet society does nothing to alter or make a balance between to two.

Chapter 15 Reflection

I thought the chapter, chapter 15 was very inclusive. When I say it was inclusive I mean it highlighted every aspect of the issues with class. For example Malos family lives in a urban neighborhood where gangs and drug dealers are a influential part of their neighbor hood , along with this is crime. Malo just witnessed a crime take place against him , that being having his moms car stolen. Another example would be the financial struggles his family is going through all because of where his family is located. The opposed struggle and the Inability to climb the social later, thus provide better for themselves and their family is something that is highlighted and displayed heavily in the chapter.

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Summary

Chapter 16 reminds me a great deal of the social oppression that not only many urban african Americans face but all African Americans face. In chapter 16, Malo is jumped into the street gang UPK. The whole purpose of this action is to show loyalty and strength within an individual by withstanding punishment. Malo is jumped into the gang to show he is mentally tuff enough to hang with a new group. He embraces this opportunity because he has no one else to turn to. His family is slowly being torn apart and he feels his only resort is to find individuals with like minds. These same individuals likely share the same oppressed minds as Malo because they both love in the same neighborhood likely experiencing the same struggles he goes through.

Chapter 16 Reflection

Chapter 16 was not one I really enjoyed. I didn't dislike the chapter because of its content but I disliked it because of how I had to observe it. Looking at the chapter from a social class perspective proved to be quite difficult. I felt reading the chapter looking for instances that highlighted this principle took away from the chapter because I felt it had a different message that was to be conveyed. Over all the context was great and it did relate to the mental oppression that African Americas face when trying to fit in but having to identify and key in on it takes away from the memoir in my opinion. In relation to the oppressed, this reminded me of a sucker for love.

Chapter 17

Buck Mk Asante

Chapter 17 Summary

Chapter 17 begins with Malo in Nia's house. Nia is the young women that he gave his number to on the train a few chapters back. Apparently they have hit it off pretty well because he has already developed feelings for her. When Amir calls her out of her name Malo was quick to correct him. Malo is in Nias house because he finds comfort in her presence, further evidence that they are growing more and more fond of each other. Malo's actual reason being with Nia is so she can nurse his scars and wounds he has sub stained from being jumped into UPK. While Malo is their they become intimate with each other. They are both realizing how important they are to each other in their lives. Malo questions if their relationship is all that both of them have at the current moment. They both reach a compassionate epiphany of the love they share for one another.

Chapter 17 Reflection

Chapter seventeen was one of the better chapters in the book. In the chapter it was no drama or anything that would cause heartache or confusion. It was also a good vacation from the pain his family has been going through as well as a peaceful resolve to him being hurt in the previous chapter. One reason I enjoyed this chapter so much because it was innocent it showed the human side of this young, oppressed and torn man. In a sense it was refreshing for the reader as well as for the character in the story. I also enjoyed the chapter because I could relate to it, the excitement and rush of becoming closer with someone who you care about and have a great Interest in. That combined with the person having a mutual interest in you. I feel like everyone could relate to this feeling.

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Summary

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Chapter 18 was another chapter that didn't really signify any importance even in Malos life. He is still nursing some oh his bruises that he obtained while getting jumped in. Malo introduces a new character he described as the neighborhood McGiver. His name is Dah, he is a Cambodian kid who is good at making things out of whatever he has around him. Malo explains the dynamics in his hood. He explains how in his neighborhood the wood 'nigga' isn't so much based in race it's based on social class and skin color. This was explains when Dah said the N word. Malo is in very little detail, is highlighting what activities take place in his neighborhood. Not much can be made or inferred from this chapter. The introduction of new characters always opens up a new portal for what can happen in further chapters to come.

Chapter 18 Reflection

Chapter 18 was a hard chapter to have an opinion on because like previously stated it had no significant events. Malo got a tattoo maybe it is something that is used to identify him in the future. I believe that this lack of significant events in this chapter provides insight as it has done thus far. I didn't really find anything to relate to even the experience of a first tattoo.

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Summary

Chapter 19 shows the mental state of Malo and how his recent issues with his family are affecting him. In this chapter Malo is in school and is emotionally and mentally withdrawn from school. He questions the teachers authority because as he expressed she knows nothing oh what issues he and his family are going through. His rebellion comes in play due to his family economic state. He ask to teacher how to make money since it's his family biggest concern. Because Malo is disruptive in class he gets in trouble but instead of acknowledging his punishment and accepting he runs. He runs throughout the school going past familiar faces where he has had instances and a past with all of them. Looking at this from a mythological standpoint I can kinda see this as a character flying. Malo is flying through a fantasy land in which he has no idea he is going through. It reminds me of a dragon flying through the clouds looking down at the kingdom he wants no part of. I just see it as Malo being free he's escaping a Place he isn't accepted in. Before he exits school the teacher tells him if you leave then never return , Malo proceeds to leave.

Chapter 19 Reflection

I thought this chapter was very interesting. I feel that looking at this chapter with a mythological perspective defiantly opened my eyes to this chapter in a different way. It reminded me of reading a Harry Potter book I had to read it expecting something to pop out. I enjoyed this chapter because it felt like I was reading a different novel. Malo the character himself changed from previous chapters. This isn't or wasn't the same rebel without a cause Malo, this Malo although still rebellious ran from something that didn't benefit his immediate future. Him asking the teacher to show him how to make money I felt like was something of a rites of passage for him as a man. He is telling the world he wants to help his family but first he is telling himself. I think him leaving the school equates to new doors opening for him, opportunities.

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Summary

Malo in this chapter has decided to pursue money than school. Malo has decided to do this in efforts to be his own man and start bringing something to the table for his family. Malo has decide to enter the drug game. Other than helping his family he sees selling drugs as an opening to a more attractive social life. He sees that the lifestyle brings attention the he desires such as girls and respect. Since he left school, his mom is aware of this so she is actively thinking of places to send him to school. Malo mother is unaware of how he trying to turn his life and how he plans on being successful. Though out the story doe Malos mother is still maintains faith in her son which makes me think that there is hope for Malo.

Chapter 20 Reflection

The author is not eluding anything to me in the form of archetypes. Reading chapter 20 in this persecutive severely took away from how great the chapter was. I read the chapter once given that perspective then I read the chapter free flowingly and found that I significantly enjoyed the chapter more. Often times when trying to read this chapter putting too much thought behind it , it has limited how k normally enjoy a novel. Other than that, I did enjoy the Chapter. The chapter reminded me of those 90s movies that Malo eluded too such as Paid in Full again going back to the gritty style of writing that was taken place in the beginning of the novel. I also could relate to this chapter. Malo said being broke was in fact the root of all evil, that it fills his head with dark smoke of evil thoughts on how to get money using his brother as an example when he was in court and all that he heard was fines and compensation. I can also relate to this because Every man has come to that realization in his life before. Just the thought of making and obtaining money, it comes a point in every mans life that he wants to branch out and make his own money.

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Summary

Chapter 21 was like coming to America, the movie. I was able to equate Coming to America and Malos move simply due to the fact that it's two African Americans in a new scene or environment. Malo and his mother moved to a place across town called G-town. Malo describes this new area as ghetto but not as ghetto as his old spot in Onley. Malos new neighborhood is mostly black in contrast to his other neighborhood which was a mix of races. Malos father has been reaching out to him, sending him numerous letters he has refused to open. Malo is angry at his his father has treated his mother and brother. When his dad calls and insist to pick him up Malo is cold and stern in his refusal. Malos mother is also aware that her son is selling drugs and she doesn't like it but in a weird way is not confronting him about it

Chapter 21 Reflection

I enjoyed chapter 21, again it's opening or a beginning to something new. Malo has a new change in scenery so it's interesting to see what he will do in this new town. It's many things that he can do, he can conform to whatever patterns this new town brings or he can stick to his ways and roots and continue to live how he lived in Onley. He can also take this time and space to get back to a better state of mind. He and his mother , away from distractions could finally come to peace with some of the things that have been going on. I never moved to a new area so I don't really know the emotions that come with it.


MK Asante, author of the memoir 'Buck,' talks to NBC Black about rendering his story in multiple forms - book, music, film - to reach as many people as possible. Story by Candace King.

The first chapter o the book Buck begins an introductory to the Arthur MK Asante‘s life growing up urban in Philadelphia Pennsylvania or 'Killadelphia' as he referenced it. Asante‘s describes his unique early teenage years growing up in Philadelphia. Asante is introduced as the Malo, the narrator of the memoir, and begins by introducing his older brother Duahoud most commonly referred to as Uzi by Asante. Immediately he mentions his idolization of his older brother and how he immolates him in a sense. How when they are together Asante feels invincible. Asante and his older brother Uzi frequently hang out together he mentions. They frequently go to party's and often get into fights with rival neighborhoods along with many other things such talking to girls , smoking marijuana, playing basketball , joy riding and marking the subways with graffiti. Uzi antics frequent land him in trouble giving him a reputation as a trouble maker amongst the family. Uzi and his closest friend Ted plane to steal a car one night and go joy riding. The narrators desired to come mostly because of his desire to be like his brother , he wanted to participate with his brother so badly he often visualized his idea how it would take place. The hanging out the window and picking up girls with his older brother to prove he was cool enough would have been a dream come true. When it came time for Ted and Uzi to ride, Uzi decided to tell Malo to stay. He returns home in a panicked state. He comes home, bust in the door telling Malo to go hide his room at that point he had been caught. As the dash and scramble continues to hide from police they eventually make way in the house and find Malo and begin roughhouse him until he confesses where Uzi is, eventually Uzi screams get off my little brother and is taken to jail.

MK Asante was born in Zimbabwe to American parents: a mother who led the new nation's dance company and a father who would soon become a revered pioneer in. Cover of Buck: A Memoir (Random House) by MK Asante Asante is the author of four books, most notably Buck (2013), a memoir about his troubled youth in Philadelphia. Buck was selected as a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers pick and made the Washington Post bestseller list in 2014 and 2015. MK Asante, author of the memoir 'Buck,' talks to NBC Black about rendering his story in multiple forms - book, music, film - to reach as many people as possible. Story by Candace King. A rebellious boy's journey through the wilds of urban America and the shrapnel of a self-destructing family.

Chapter 1 Reflection

The first chapter of the book begins very submerged into the text. Meaning the mood and tone of the story was set quick. Early on you picked up a gritty and street vibe from the text. The langue help set the tone often time using profanity and slang to help paint the picture of the upbringing of a black male growing up in a urban community. I thought it showed a different introductory style than most readers are not accustomed to. It captured the reader immediately because you actually had to pay attention to his slang to understand him, just as a conversation in real life would be. I found myself relating related to the authors though out the first chapter. Particularly when it came to the idolization of an older brother. Even beyond the idolization, the mischievous thoughts of a young black teenage male was something again that I was able to relate to once upon a time in my life. I felt like the author did great job drawing you in by picking a pivotal time not in just his life but many young African American males life's. A time in our lives were becoming men and growing into our skin a time he describes for himself.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Summary

Chapter 2 begins exactly where chapter 1 left off. Uzi is released from jail and because he is a minor he receives a much lighter punishment. Due to Uzi reputation as a frequent trouble maker along with his most recent act, Malo's father, Uzi's stepdad is sending him to live in Arizona with his uncle Jabbar. Malos father is introduced and again Malo emphasizes his admiration of his father. What Malo admires most is his father's intellect, confidence, passion and energy, he was once a preacher. Malos father is very Afrocentric; he is often times sporting dashikis and clothes related to African culture. His house, the house he is raising Malo and his older brother in is covered in African art, which leaves an impression on Malo. He also has strong beliefs on what African Americans should want from themselves, which are stability and the ability to provide. Uzis and his stepfather have a bad relationship to say the least and Uzis recent run in with the law causes even more friction in the house. Uzi and his step dad almost come to blows upon him being kicked out the house. Before Uzi is sent to live with his uncle Jabar in Arizona he and Malo have their last talk in which Uzi mentally sizes up his little brother for the last time. Malo is really sad, he feels like a part of him is being taken away from him. Upon that talk Uzi brings up his extreme dislike of his step dad, Malos father. While doing that he also brings up his admiration for his own father Bob. Malo and Uzi share the same mother and Bob being Uzi father. As Uzi details how much he misses his own father Malo has much darker perception of him because of the abuse he put his mother through. He was also a heroin addict. Although it bothers Malo to hear about him he continues to let his brother speak. Overall their last conversation ends on a hug and a final gift, a deck of cards from Uzi.

Chapter 2 Reflection

Chapter 2 was a closer look at Malos life. You started to put together the pieces that chapter one left you together with these to help further paint that picture but this time it's more of an opening to his life. You get a glimpse of his family life his immediate family and some of their backgrounds. This helps great a vivid image of what his daily life consist of and brings to light his confusion in life. I think it was a more of a settle tone but still was able to grasp the reader. I particularly enjoyed how descriptive the narrator was in describing the different members of his family and how they are each their own little character. It was entertaining to hear his perception of his family because I can recall thinking the similar if not the same thing about some of my relatives growing up. In a way it was the typical thoughts of all young black youths at that time. Again the crass comedy and profanity feed your adult sense of humor. The narrator also touched on a sensitive subject of his life for the first time in the book, that being the abuse of his mother by his older brothers father. It was interesting because in any text with a main character you always wonder how much if any compassion they have. I believe this helps determines the perception of the main character by the reader. This chapter was another introducer chapter, introducing immediate and extended family member and set the beginnings of Malos life without his older brother although it was very short lived in the text.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Summary

Malos sleeps in Uzi's room for the first night that he is gone. He is reminded of Uzi by his vast collection of posters ranging from Magazine girls and models to rap stars. He hears his brother singing a song he used to sing to him when they lived together. He also recalls trips the two would take on the subway. Seeing that Uzi is gone he takes one of those familiar trips alone. On this trip he introduces a new set of characters. He introduces Scoop, Theodore and Kiki which is his older cousin and Scoops girl friend. Scoop and Theodare relationship is perceived almost as rival friends due to their constant bickering. Kiki full name is Kianna and she attends a college call Albright. Scoop is described as a fighter, he and Malo where once playing basketball and Scoop ended up knocking a dude out for no good reason leaving Malo to stand shocked. Kiki tends to get mad at him because of his hot temper and ill ways. He has a reputation as a fighter amongst his friends. News spreads that Uzi was kicked out and moved to Arizona in a harsh manner. This prompted Ted to ask Malo why his parents did him such, in which Malo responded that he himself couldn't call it.

Chapter 3 Reflection

Chapter 3 is a very short chapter. In this chapter very little is centered on the aftermath of anything that took place in the previous chapters. In fact other than the memories of Uzi that Malo had not much is reflected at all. I think this is cool because it creates suspense in the story. You begin to wonder when or if he anything will come of the actions in the previous chapter. Again he is introduces new chanters, these characters are around his brothers age along with his cousins. Not much can be made of this chapter in my opinion it wasn't very informative and didn't highlight anything specific. I am very anxious to see what roles these new characters play in Malos life and in the grand scheme of the story seeing that their descriptions were so vague.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Summary

In the begging of Chapter 4, Malos school life and activities are introduced. He also introduces the first active character he express dislike for, a kid named Fritz. He seems to be involved in mischievous act just as his brother. He and a group of friends set an Uhal truck on fire and also smear feces' on a neighbor's door, the last antic got them caught. Malo the moves into a scene in which he is in principles office again going back to starting to exhibit the same patterns of his older brother. He receives a letter from his brother in the mail. The Letter basically is telling Malo how he living with his uncle, which he has ceased to do, Uzi is once again kicked out. He then goes on to tell his brother how he is a monad going from one women's couch to the next, doing rap shows, and his recent purchase of a gun. He mentions how his mother still sends him money although he doesn't need it but still takes it out of spite. He also mentions how he is alone and feels like an orphan. Malos parents send him to a school in which they perceive is better than the neighborhood school, and because of the friends two faced ways Malos express extreme dislike causing him to relate them to foes more so than friends. The school is predominantly white and Malos receives the end of that because he is African American. Malo realizes his reception isn't welcomed at his new school from his basketball coach who tells him the principle hates him. Malo doesn't handle the news well and begins to rebel by speaking his mind whenever presented the chance. Again he is in the office he begins a verbal argument with his principal Mr. Roach and ends up getting his parents called. Marlo mentions how his relationship with his parents has changed and how little he seeing his father now days. His principal begins to question the stability of his immediate family in which Malo tells but in very little detail. He mentions his older sister's move into a mental hospital as she wrote him a letter that displayed her ill mental state.

Buck Chapter 4 Reflection

Chapter 4 proved to be the most interesting chapter yet. I feel like in this chapter all of the chapters came together. The repercussion from this chapter, the feelings from this chapter, these emotions are brought up because of what happened in that chapter and so on. You are starting to see the main character Malo, take shape into what his character is going be throughout the book. He has a certain mystique about him with a street edge that's evident. He is starting to become a little more outspoken which raises the readers eye because it leaves you wondering how he will fair down the road. I get the vibe that is a bit of melodramatic suspense. The type of suspense that is more mental than physical, meaning you feel more of a mental awakening coming than a big event. Malos has a change in scenery so it interesting to see how well he will adapt to his new surroundings. I think that this is the time he will come to a rites of passage himself within the next few chapters.

Chapter 5

Buck Chapter 5 summary

Malo's mother was administered into a psychiatrist ward, she had attempted suicide. Malo attempted to call but wasn't able to speak to her. He stumbled on to find his mothers journal that she had wrote intensively in. As Malo began to read it he started seeing his moms depressed and dark side. He had seen her perspective on whats going on with the family. One of the first things that her journal said was that she attempted to commit suicide for the first time at 12.

Buck Chapter 5 Reflection

I was really into chapter five. I thought it was cool how it focused on the mother . More specifically it was cool reading her thoughts and her perspective on life from her journal. I'm curious to see how Malo handles not only his mothers attempt to kill herself but having access to her journal. I wonder if it's something he will continue to read throughout the memoir. Seeing that his mother was administered into a psyc ward I wonder will Uzi come back.

Chapter 6

Buck Chapter 6 Summary

Malo has found a women he has an interest in, in chapter 6. He meet a young lady on the train on his way home. Malo began to speak to her and eventually getting her phone number, he instantly caught a liking to her. Malo again began to read from his mothers journal. This time upon reading his mothers journal he read her concerns for him and her family. He read how she concerned with his interaction with young women and how he keeps everything a secret from her. She expressed concerns when he goes out at night and wonders what he does. She has a general concern for her whole house because she feels it's so secretive.

Buck Chapter 6 Reflection

As I assumed his mothers journal would be a part of the memoir. I enjoyed chapter 6, it was cool reading about his love interest it's also cool relating to the excitement of meeting a new girl you r ally like. It's pretty clear that this young lady he met will reappear through out the remainder of the book but in what fashion. I'm wondering will this be a girl who breaks his heart, just becomes friends or even marry eventually. Again he read his mothers journal in which he again found some inner thoughts his mother has for him. She expressed concern with how infrequently she sees Malo I'm intrigued how he process this information.

Chapter 7

Buck Chapter 7 summary

Chapter seven began with Malo receiving a call from jail. Once he heard the prerecording 'You have a call from an inmate…' He knew it was Uzi. Sure enough upon answering the phone call it was Uzi informing his brother that he was in fact in jail on Arizona. Uzi was unable to discuss over the phone exactly why he was being jailed but he did note that he is being tripled as an adult. Malo read from his mothers journal from the day she dropped Uzis off at the airport. As he read , he read her concerns and uncertainty with having Uzi move to Arizona. She wrote how was it really something she wanted or something she was conforming too due to the fact that her husband and son didn't see eye to eye.

Buck Chapter 7 Reflection

I liked chapter seven although it didn't say a lot , much can be inferred. I think the fact that a lot wasn't said gave this chapter a lot of mystique. Interestingly enough Malo read his mothers concerns with Uzi life in Arizona the same time he received a call from Uzi saying he was in jail. Uzi was not informed that his mother was in psyc Ward I wonder how that will affect him. Over all I enjoyed that chapter I thought it had a good amount of irony in it.

Chapter 8

Buck Chapter 8 Summary

Chapter eight begins in a bitter sweet fashion. Malo's mother returns home but upon her return the family finds out of Uzis potential sentencing. Uzi is facing a sentencing of up to 25 years in jail for rape. Uzi and on his friends he met in Arizona went inside a group home and had sex with two girls who they believed to be 16, in actuality they were 13. To make matters worse the women involved where white.

Chapter 8 Reflection

I perceived chapter eight as insight of what began the storm. The lack of reactions by each family member makes for a bit of a surprise when they process the information. His mother just was released from hospital I wonder how this will effect her mental health. His brother, Malo now has no choice but to grow up without him. I questioned if Malo will try to live up to his brother reputation in spite of society or try to make his life better because of this.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Summary

Chapter nine focuses on the aftermath of Uzi's potential sentencing. By this time the whole neighborhood knows and they too are in shock. In a weird way it's like Malo likes being around the ones who have respect for his brother. It's like due to the fact he's gone receiving the credit or respect rather of his peers. Malo reading from his mom journal , reads about the time he was running away. He recalls the events that lead up to him running away. He said the reason was domestic issues between his mom and aunt. Malo actually ran away too in this chapter.

Chapter 9 Reflection

I wasn't really into this chapter. I thought that it wasn't really a good point in which it transitioned from his mother to him and vice versa. I did however think it was interesting doe how he is starting to display the same behavior patterns as his brother. Although he hasn't done any crimes but his mischievous ways are bound to catch up to him.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Summary

In chapter 10 it gets really messy and confusing. It begins with Malo's parents arguing about providing bail for Uzi. It's rally messy because Uzi is not Malo's fathers child and the fact that they didn't have a good relationship doesn't help his case. Malo and his mother try to ask him to help but his response is one of disinterest and anger. His responses where along the lines of you reap what you sow and he did it things like that. Malo didn't seem to express any anger toward his father yet for his harsh decisions. Malo's mother again expresses her concern for her son , at this point she regrets sending him to Arizona.

Chapter 10 Reflection

I really enjoyed chapter ten. It added more drama and suspense. The type of suspense that we have all went though. The kind where your younger and you're thinking is your elder will be a bigger person like how they have preached for you to be. I see this being an issue of resentment toward his father for not helping his brother. In a way I feel sympathy for him because you have so much love for an individual but it's not really translated to your elder. I think that the family will go though a fall out from this.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Summary

Malo and his mother caught a plane to Arizona to see Uzi. They traveled to Arizona around Christmas time although the they do t celebrate it. Malos father did not accompany him which was a given amongst the family. While in Arizona they went to see Uzis court case. They also hired a lawyer which they had to take a loan out for. Uzi received 10 years for the rape of that girl. Malo read in his mothers journal how she sees the family is falling apart. She sees her husband being distant from her , she sees how Uzi went down the horrible path and Malo she sees he is breaking right before her eyes.

Chapter 11 Reflection

This chapter was a revealing one. The reader can see how every issue is coming full circle. For the last few chapters it has been a build up of issue among issue weather is be something emotional or situational with a character . I'm wondering when things will boil over and the suspense will come to light. It was a good chapter I was excited seeing how Uzis court case played out. The insight that Malo has received about his mom has done nothing to deter Malo's behavior.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Summary

Chapter 12 was very vague and short . Apparently Malo and his mother returned to Philly. Malo is in the final seconds of his basketball game , it appears he is attempting to lead his team to victory he has possession of the ball. Before the chapter concludes Malo shoots the ball leaving it at a halt. Malo reads that his mother slept in her car the previous night. He sees how his mom realizes she feels shamed by her husband because of her weight gain. He sees the emotional and physical toll it has on her.

Chapter 12 Reflection

This chapter was very had to catch onto. It didn't provide much insight for whats to come in the future. Like I said the only thing that was revealed was that Malo is in his basketball game and that his mom is emotionally broken something that was evident before. Without having much to speak about besides recreational activities and his moms apparent displeasure with her life it's hard to see how one will react next. I do t see what else that happen next so it does make it interesting to see what can actually happen.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Summary

Chapter 13 focused on the family dynamics. In highlighted the relationship between everyone left in Malos house. Although the relationships weren't spoken on , they were inferred by the interactions between them all. Malos mother was very distraught by her husbanding walking out leaving her and Malo. She was crying excessively and pulling her husband to come back but he left. The portrayal of this women, a black woman without a man in a home left alone to raise a boy is typical in today's society. They way she is depicted is a hysterical woman who can't survive or maintain without a man. In terms of survive , not in literal terms but mentally not strong enough to get by without a man in her house. Clearly a negative representation, this is a common theme with many black novels because of how woman are viewed in America under similar circumstances. This depiction is derived from the years in which all men did was work and women stayed at home thus providing the misconception that women weren't thought enough to Embrace the outside world such as the workforce and other stresses.

Chapter 13 Reflection

Looking at this chapter with a feminist mind set defiantly offered a different perspective of how I interpreted it. The chapter Itself was good, it was something that I foreshadowed given all the tension in the house. I did feel like the way his mother was depicted was in a negative and stereotypical light. The only thing that I feel was conflicting was that if that was her actions she carried out , how should it be perceived. I didn't think that's it was wrong or anything of that nature but the perception was negative. Given the fact that I was reading this chapter though different lenses per-say it did give a heightened sensitivity toward women.

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Summary

Chapter 14 is a very modern one when it comes to the viewing and negative perception of women. The chapter began by Malo and his friends attending a strip club. Inside the strip club of course it stripping going on but also the degrading of women. There are men saying disgusting things to and about them, using their body as objects and touching them any way that they want. This is the very modern perception of women, more specifically women using them as objects. This also paints a bad picture for women who do in fact strip. In the chapter they depicted these women as the scum of the earth, even in a sense prostitution them by placing bets on them. For some women stripping is actually just a job and nothing else , they made it seem like all women who strip are hoes. Furthermore when it came to reading Carlos diary , her mothers perception of her dependence of her boyfriend was very stereotypical. Good girl that can't leave the bad boy alone.

Chapter 14 Reflection

I did enjoy this chapter it was one that in a sense I could relate to. The boyish grins and excitement was all very familiar. When it comes to how I felt about it looking at it from a feminist perspective it gave me mixed feelings. I disagreed with how the women were depicted but I wasn't ignorant to the fact this does go on. The disrespect of women is mainstream especially in that profession so I was aware of it. Of course they were regarded as negativity because they were talked about and basically sold and bet on like meat. All he females in the chapter were represented negatively. Malos mother in regards with her concern for her daughter and Malos sister with her dependence of her boyfriend.

Chapter 15

Buck Mk Asante

Chapter Summary

Malos family has come upon hard times financially. As of recently his family has gone bankrupt his mother has no money and his father owes money to the IRS. As well as being broke , Malo witnessed his mothers car being stolen right in front his eyes. This is the similar to the social struggle that many African Americas face in urban America. Financial struggles often lead African Americas to house in urban parts of America. These areas subsequently have high crime rates, which would explain Malo getting his car stolen right before his eyes. These areas also have low employment rates and they don't offer much employment or at least substantial employment thus Malos family struggling. The struggle that Malos family is going through is a class struggle. African American family broke in a crime riddled neighborhood that is emit tally falling apart. This highlights the issue with class because African Americas who do not live u dear these circumstances are grouped together with ones who do offering a negative perception on how we live and are brought up. The oppressed African Americas are the ones that are constantly being reminded but yet society does nothing to alter or make a balance between to two.

Chapter 15 Reflection

I thought the chapter, chapter 15 was very inclusive. When I say it was inclusive I mean it highlighted every aspect of the issues with class. For example Malos family lives in a urban neighborhood where gangs and drug dealers are a influential part of their neighbor hood , along with this is crime. Malo just witnessed a crime take place against him , that being having his moms car stolen. Another example would be the financial struggles his family is going through all because of where his family is located. The opposed struggle and the Inability to climb the social later, thus provide better for themselves and their family is something that is highlighted and displayed heavily in the chapter.

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Summary

Chapter 16 reminds me a great deal of the social oppression that not only many urban african Americans face but all African Americans face. In chapter 16, Malo is jumped into the street gang UPK. The whole purpose of this action is to show loyalty and strength within an individual by withstanding punishment. Malo is jumped into the gang to show he is mentally tuff enough to hang with a new group. He embraces this opportunity because he has no one else to turn to. His family is slowly being torn apart and he feels his only resort is to find individuals with like minds. These same individuals likely share the same oppressed minds as Malo because they both love in the same neighborhood likely experiencing the same struggles he goes through.

Chapter 16 Reflection

Chapter 16 was not one I really enjoyed. I didn't dislike the chapter because of its content but I disliked it because of how I had to observe it. Looking at the chapter from a social class perspective proved to be quite difficult. I felt reading the chapter looking for instances that highlighted this principle took away from the chapter because I felt it had a different message that was to be conveyed. Over all the context was great and it did relate to the mental oppression that African Americas face when trying to fit in but having to identify and key in on it takes away from the memoir in my opinion. In relation to the oppressed, this reminded me of a sucker for love.

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Summary

Chapter 17 begins with Malo in Nia's house. Nia is the young women that he gave his number to on the train a few chapters back. Apparently they have hit it off pretty well because he has already developed feelings for her. When Amir calls her out of her name Malo was quick to correct him. Malo is in Nias house because he finds comfort in her presence, further evidence that they are growing more and more fond of each other. Malo's actual reason being with Nia is so she can nurse his scars and wounds he has sub stained from being jumped into UPK. While Malo is their they become intimate with each other. They are both realizing how important they are to each other in their lives. Malo questions if their relationship is all that both of them have at the current moment. They both reach a compassionate epiphany of the love they share for one another.

Chapter 17 Reflection

Chapter seventeen was one of the better chapters in the book. In the chapter it was no drama or anything that would cause heartache or confusion. It was also a good vacation from the pain his family has been going through as well as a peaceful resolve to him being hurt in the previous chapter. One reason I enjoyed this chapter so much because it was innocent it showed the human side of this young, oppressed and torn man. In a sense it was refreshing for the reader as well as for the character in the story. I also enjoyed the chapter because I could relate to it, the excitement and rush of becoming closer with someone who you care about and have a great Interest in. That combined with the person having a mutual interest in you. I feel like everyone could relate to this feeling.

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Summary

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Chapter 18 was another chapter that didn't really signify any importance even in Malos life. He is still nursing some oh his bruises that he obtained while getting jumped in. Malo introduces a new character he described as the neighborhood McGiver. His name is Dah, he is a Cambodian kid who is good at making things out of whatever he has around him. Malo explains the dynamics in his hood. He explains how in his neighborhood the wood 'nigga' isn't so much based in race it's based on social class and skin color. This was explains when Dah said the N word. Malo is in very little detail, is highlighting what activities take place in his neighborhood. Not much can be made or inferred from this chapter. The introduction of new characters always opens up a new portal for what can happen in further chapters to come.

Chapter 18 Reflection

Chapter 18 was a hard chapter to have an opinion on because like previously stated it had no significant events. Malo got a tattoo maybe it is something that is used to identify him in the future. I believe that this lack of significant events in this chapter provides insight as it has done thus far. I didn't really find anything to relate to even the experience of a first tattoo.

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Summary

Chapter 19 shows the mental state of Malo and how his recent issues with his family are affecting him. In this chapter Malo is in school and is emotionally and mentally withdrawn from school. He questions the teachers authority because as he expressed she knows nothing oh what issues he and his family are going through. His rebellion comes in play due to his family economic state. He ask to teacher how to make money since it's his family biggest concern. Because Malo is disruptive in class he gets in trouble but instead of acknowledging his punishment and accepting he runs. He runs throughout the school going past familiar faces where he has had instances and a past with all of them. Looking at this from a mythological standpoint I can kinda see this as a character flying. Malo is flying through a fantasy land in which he has no idea he is going through. It reminds me of a dragon flying through the clouds looking down at the kingdom he wants no part of. I just see it as Malo being free he's escaping a Place he isn't accepted in. Before he exits school the teacher tells him if you leave then never return , Malo proceeds to leave.

Chapter 19 Reflection

I thought this chapter was very interesting. I feel that looking at this chapter with a mythological perspective defiantly opened my eyes to this chapter in a different way. It reminded me of reading a Harry Potter book I had to read it expecting something to pop out. I enjoyed this chapter because it felt like I was reading a different novel. Malo the character himself changed from previous chapters. This isn't or wasn't the same rebel without a cause Malo, this Malo although still rebellious ran from something that didn't benefit his immediate future. Him asking the teacher to show him how to make money I felt like was something of a rites of passage for him as a man. He is telling the world he wants to help his family but first he is telling himself. I think him leaving the school equates to new doors opening for him, opportunities.

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Summary

Malo in this chapter has decided to pursue money than school. Malo has decided to do this in efforts to be his own man and start bringing something to the table for his family. Malo has decide to enter the drug game. Other than helping his family he sees selling drugs as an opening to a more attractive social life. He sees that the lifestyle brings attention the he desires such as girls and respect. Since he left school, his mom is aware of this so she is actively thinking of places to send him to school. Malo mother is unaware of how he trying to turn his life and how he plans on being successful. Though out the story doe Malos mother is still maintains faith in her son which makes me think that there is hope for Malo.

Chapter 20 Reflection

The author is not eluding anything to me in the form of archetypes. Reading chapter 20 in this persecutive severely took away from how great the chapter was. I read the chapter once given that perspective then I read the chapter free flowingly and found that I significantly enjoyed the chapter more. Often times when trying to read this chapter putting too much thought behind it , it has limited how k normally enjoy a novel. Other than that, I did enjoy the Chapter. The chapter reminded me of those 90s movies that Malo eluded too such as Paid in Full again going back to the gritty style of writing that was taken place in the beginning of the novel. I also could relate to this chapter. Malo said being broke was in fact the root of all evil, that it fills his head with dark smoke of evil thoughts on how to get money using his brother as an example when he was in court and all that he heard was fines and compensation. I can also relate to this because Every man has come to that realization in his life before. Just the thought of making and obtaining money, it comes a point in every mans life that he wants to branch out and make his own money.

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Summary

Chapter 21 was like coming to America, the movie. I was able to equate Coming to America and Malos move simply due to the fact that it's two African Americans in a new scene or environment. Malo and his mother moved to a place across town called G-town. Malo describes this new area as ghetto but not as ghetto as his old spot in Onley. Malos new neighborhood is mostly black in contrast to his other neighborhood which was a mix of races. Malos father has been reaching out to him, sending him numerous letters he has refused to open. Malo is angry at his his father has treated his mother and brother. When his dad calls and insist to pick him up Malo is cold and stern in his refusal. Malos mother is also aware that her son is selling drugs and she doesn't like it but in a weird way is not confronting him about it

Chapter 21 Reflection

I enjoyed chapter 21, again it's opening or a beginning to something new. Malo has a new change in scenery so it's interesting to see what he will do in this new town. It's many things that he can do, he can conform to whatever patterns this new town brings or he can stick to his ways and roots and continue to live how he lived in Onley. He can also take this time and space to get back to a better state of mind. He and his mother , away from distractions could finally come to peace with some of the things that have been going on. I never moved to a new area so I don't really know the emotions that come with it.

Chapter 22

Buck Mk Asante Chapter Summaries

Chapter 22 Summary

Malo desires to buy his girlfriend a white gold bracelet with the money he has earned from hustling. Upon giving Nia the bracelet she shows signs of joy but quickly it turns to sorrow. She is quick to put together that Malo was only able to purchase this because he was hustling. She is really upset with Malo as Malo tries to reason with her by saying his money should be reason for her to be happy and impressed. Basically Malo tries to rationalize his love with his by showing her financial stability. Again unimpressed she gives Malo an ultimatum. She tells him that he either quits hustling or he quits their relationship, Malo decides to forgo the resolution ship with Nia. Chapter 22 is similar to the movie or even the common theme of 'Get rich or die trying'.

Chapter 22 Reflection

Shocking turn of events take place as Malo decided upon perusing his hustle instead of pursuing his love Interest. Like we discussed in class this can exemplify Malos ID. The theory that this part of his thought satisfying his selfish and immature needs. I enjoy d the chapter cause again it's gritty and it's real it's something that a kid or a boy would do in this instance. I don't think I will ever be able to relate to such an instance. I personally think Malo will end up regretting his decision because like she says a life of illicit activity only leads to trouble.

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Summary

Chapter 23 starts off with Amir flashing a gun in front of Malo in a boastful manner. Soon after that Amir Malo and Scoop all attend a festival called the Greek. They Greek described by Malo is a festival were 'Hot boys' come to show out. At this outing people were drive fancy and exotic cars that drew a lot of attention. Malo described girls being half naked getting water thrown on them while being recorded. A lot of families were at the event and other activities including dancing and drinking. After the festival they went to a nearby McDonalds to get food, Malo noted Amir was mugging real hard on everyone. All of sudden shots start to ring from a handgun. In panic and confusion a mad dash and scramble Malo loses Amir and Scoop. Malo walking home had an instance of remembering Amir. Apparently Amir has been struck by one of the shots fired at the McDonalds.

Chapter 23 Reflection

I think that chapter 23 was an introduction to new tragedy. One of Malos closest friends, Amir was shot and to what extent has yet to be mentioned. I wasn't really surprised by this chapter simply because not much out of the norm happened better put nothing unexpected happen. Malo apparently keep to his old ways not to say it wasn't expected but it is interesting to see how quickly drama took place.

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Summary

Chapter 24 confirms what chapter 23 insinuates. Amir Malos closest friend was shot and killed. Amir was on 16 years old when he died. About a month later his service was held. Chapter 24 is his obituary. His mother, Malo and sister all had a piece in the obituary expressing shock.

Chapter 24 Reflection

With Amir being dead I wonder how Malo will take it. He has now lost his brother , father, and best friend I'm wondering when he will start to change. Malo expressed great sorrow in his final peace.

Buck A Memoir Summary

Final Reflection

MK Assantes memoir Buck was nothing short of amazing, an instant classic not just in African American literature but literature as a whole. I enjoyed the book so much because it followed in great detail the journey that the author went through growing up and how it chapped it. The story the author tells may not be exactly parallel to every young African America man , but his story of struggle, misguide and most notably conforming to your surroundings is one that we all can relate to. What makes the book Buck so captivating is the fact that the whole time we are walking with the author all his rites of passage per say. Throughout the novel he speaks of certain situations but also address all his conscious thoughts he's having at those moments which allows the reader to think and relate to this young mans mind. I enjoyed and appreciated how every character he spoke of in his book had a purpose and their story came full circle. A blatant example would be his friends throughout the novel Ted and Scoop, initially they were the ones who shaped his street mentality but when it was all said and done they also helped shaped the renewing of his mind the same way they did his street mentality. The book had me very engaged and attached to each characters story because each persons played a pivotal role in the authors life. Throughout the book I never felt lost in thought or that it was taking a vague turn, each chapter corresponded with the previous one and if not the previous one the one before that. As I mentioned in many of my summaries about the chapters, I enjoyed how he kept his edge and grit through the book. He kept is real by cursing not sugar coating his emotions and most importantly not sugar coating his situation, he allowed all his personal trials and tribulations to be spoken on which allowed me to feel comfortable and in my element while reading. He was very sincere and genuine with every emotion he displayed and with every word he spoke. The main reason why I enjoyed this book so much is because I got that this was easy for him to write, it came naturally to him because his story was natural it was real, which in a way is very inspiring like maybe I can put my thoughts and life story on paper and creating an exciting novel.

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